What’s Included in our Full Company Reports?

Each report is meticulously compiled to ensure you have all the necessary information to evaluate a company’s worth and understand the feasibility of financing an acquisition. Here’s what you can expect:

Financial Health Rating & Growth Score

A snapshot of the company's financial stability and a growth score, forecasting the likelihood of 20% growth in the next 12 months.

Liquidity and Cash Flow

Critical for understanding the company's capacity to cover short-term liabilities, crucial for day-to-day operations and loan repayments.

Net Worth

Evaluates the company's value by subtracting liabilities from assets, offering insight into its financial health and potential as an investment.

Employee Strength

The size of the company’s workforce, which can impact operational capacity and valuation.

Revenue and Turnover

Key indicators of the company’s market position, operational scale, and growth trajectory.

Filed Accounts

Access to the latest financial statements for a thorough understanding of the company’s financial history and practices.

SIC Code and Description

Detailed classification that provides insight into the company’s industry and market sector, helping assess market viability.

UBO, PSC, Shareholder and Director

Information on the ownership and structure of the company, along with key leadership team.

Credit Information and CCJs

Information on the ownership and structure of the company, along with key leadership team.

We have 2 types of Company Report

Snapshot Company Report

When searching for off-market opportunities, you can purchase a snapshot report, detailing key financial and KPI information.

Example Snapshot Report

Full Company Report

When searching for on or off-market opportunities, you can purchase a full comprehensive report including everything in the snapshot report, plus all of the metrics detailed above.

Example Full Report

The Importance of Detailed Financial Analysis

For prospective buyers, understanding the financial nuances of a potential acquisition is pivotal. Our reports equip you with the critical data needed to:

  • Conduct in-depth due diligence.
  • Identify financial strengths and weaknesses.
  • Strategize on the financing options for the acquisition.
  • Make informed, data-driven decisions with a clear understanding of potential returns and risks.

Your Strategic Advantage

Deal Finder brings these detailed insights directly to your fingertips. Whether you're exploring an acquisition, considering partnership opportunities, or performing competitive analysis, our Detailed Company Reports are your gateway to making informed decisions.

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